"For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us."
2 Corinthians 1:20
Since April 29, I think it was, when I began to put my words together and share once again, I've put my all out there. Healing is a process, looks a little different for everyone, takes some longer, and some need more assistance. You know, we're ALL fearfully and wonderfully made DIFFERENT.
This new season is exciting but has not came without it's own set of frustrations and confusion. I've written about joy (https://steffaniehruss.wixsite.com/steffaniesporchtalk/post/joy-is-more ) and how it might not look exactly like what we expected it to. I've written about things not being exactly what they seem to be (https://steffaniehruss.wixsite.com/steffaniesporchtalk/post/it-s-way-different-than-it-looks) and how God can turn our situations for the better if we allow Him to do what He does best. I've written about how good ole life can sometimes make us feel like we're "ruined" (https://steffaniehruss.wixsite.com/steffaniesporchtalk/post/take-the-i-out-of-ruin) but if we keep running this race, we'll win. I've written about how "victory" comes in quite a few flavors (https://steffaniehruss.wixsite.com/steffaniesporchtalk/post/thru-it-all-thumbs-up) and what it currently looks like for me, as well as no weapon shall prosper. I've written about the fact that God sometimes gives us miracles (https://steffaniehruss.wixsite.com/steffaniesporchtalk/post/storms-in-the-miracle) laced with "storms" which get us ready for our next miracle on the horizon. And, my last post was about God being "for" us and working on our behalf in the middle of something that could've been disastrous (https://steffaniehruss.wixsite.com/steffaniesporchtalk/post/untitled-7) and learning to think differently about our circumstances.
Lessons, lessons and more lessons. Some days I feel as if I'm in first grade all over again. The uncertainty, the newness, the lack of confidence, the new playground, and learning to "get along" with people all over again. Whoever said healing and overcoming is for sissies didn't quite walk the same road I am currently on. It's hard work! I'm continually falling and skinning up my proverbial knees...just like I did in elementary school - only I'm fifty-one. Lord, help me!
At the beginning of 2024, I vividly remember looking at my husband and proclaiming, "This is our year!" Can I just say I had no clue?! I didn't know what the good Lord had in store for me. I didn't know He was going to stop me in my tracks and take me back to ground-zero to begin anew. I've been "going thru" what I've called the restoration process for years now; only, coming back bigger and better comes in many, many stages.
I think about the Chic-fil-a we frequent being temporarily shut down this last week and how just this morning as I drove past I saw the yellow bulldozers out there beginning demolition. They won't be open again until December of this year; they're tearing down and rebuilding. COMPLETELY. That's what I feel the Lord is doing in me. He's doing more than restoring - He's rebuilding me better, all for His glory.
I'm no different than anyone else, I've experienced my share of setbacks, derails and head-on collisions. We each have a different set of circumstances, hurts and personal hang-ups which keep us from being exactly "where" we'd like to be today. We all have stories to tell. We all have life altering moments we could share. That's what I try to do here on this blog of mine - share what's happening and how I'm trying to relate it to my journey and glorify God in the middle of it. I definitely am not here to proclaim that I know it all, have it all figured out and never fall flat on my face anymore. I sure hope nobody leaves here thinking that. All I can hope to do is share my life and hope I can say something to encourage you in yours.
Yes, I went a many months thinking I didn't have anything to say, that no one would want to listen to the things I did have to say, and that I was disqualified because I just "couldn't get it." Those silent months were almost debilitating for me. In March, I hit rock bottom...and this was supposed to be our year!
Again I say, sometimes God has to take us to ground-zero for us to see ourselves and the road we're walking differently. Sometimes we have to crash in order to want to fight for our life and allow God to rescue us out of the darkest places. He is the Good Shepherd, He gently picks us up, holds us close to His heart, and tells us He has better things in store for us than we can fathom. Yes, sometimes that seems utterly impossible to imagine! Yet, His promises are yay and amen.
I'd like to end this by reminding us of some of the promises of God for us:
"Don't panic. I'm with you. There's no need to fear for I'm your God. I'll give you strength. I'll help you. I'll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you." Isaiah 41:10 (msg)
"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee." Isaiah 26:3 (kjv)
"God is striding ahead of you. He's right there with you. He won't let you down; he won't leave you. Don't be intimidated. Don't worry." Deuteronomy 31:8 (msg)
"I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye." Psalm 32:8 (kjv)
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28 (kjv)
"And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." 2 Corinthians 12:9
"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Isaiah 40:31 (kjv)
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28 (kjv)
That last verse recalls to my mind a revelation we received in church service Sunday night. How many times have I quoted that verse and applied it as God working all things together for MY good. I know there are scriptures which reference what was meant for bad, God worked it for good. However, this verse can also be read, and I'm paraphrasing in my own words here, GOD WORKS IT OUT FOR GOOD. PERIOD! END OF STORY! It's over and done with - already taken care of for us.
Yay and amen! Pause and think about it.
This is about my journey, but just as easily applies to yours as well. We don't get there overnight, it's taken me fifty-one years to get "here", "there" might take a while but each day we can draw nearer and nearer as we continuously proclaim the promises of the Lord and trust them completely. Sometimes we think He can do it for others, but for us...our faith is much weaker. My friend, no matter where you are in your journey, God IS able. He has promises just for you!
Back to first grade, remember repetition is the best thing for learning new stuff...and for "re-remembering" stuff we've forgotten and been blinded to. There's no telling how many times I had to count those little red and blue blocks in Math class to get the concepts the teacher was trying to teach. Yes, I've always been a slow learner I suppose, but I DID graduate to second grade. I imagine you did as well - there's hope. Repetition...let's remind ourselves every day of Who He is, Whose we are, and those promises we can consistently rely upon no matter what - because they are HIS and He cannot lie.
Let's remind ourselves of these few promises from the Bible daily. He is not slack concerning His promises and we can be victorious because of them. We CAN graduate and come back better than ever, because He is with and for us. Can somebody say AMEN!
Yay and amen!