“That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:”
1 Peter 1:7
We don’t always realize what is actually happening in our day. We live in the natural but also in the spiritual realm. I’m reminded of the saying that goes something like “things are not always what they seem.” How very true!
What we see on social media is the edited version. Most of the time, what people share with us is their own highlight reel. Even in days gone by, we would flip open a photo album and show people the best snapshots of our lives. And, again I say, things are not always what they seem.
Sometimes, we are tricked or blind sided by what is actually taking place in our lives. What we “see” as obstacles or problem areas in life are often bigger than they actually are. Even our emotions are not always what they seem. We may think we’re feeling one thing, while it possibly might be something entirely different. True story!
I know this because I’ve dealt with grief and my own emotions quite extensively over the last several years of my life. And, this truth can be applied to lots of situations, not only mine. This isn’t a pity me story either, but a testimony, and hopefully an encouragement to you.
I’ve often gotten bogged down and been overwhelmed because of what seemed bigger than I was able to handle, those things I should “be over” by now continually tripped me up time and time again making me feel like a total failure, and more often than not I felt my trust and hope in the Lord left a lot to be desired on the proverbial scale of Christian success.
Can I say again, things are not always what they seem.
What has seemed like failures, labels, set backs and even life sentences could have been so, but there’s more to the story.
It seemed like I’d never overcome some obstacles, like I’d never learn the lessons, like I’d never have enough faith. A bunch of NOTS! However, I found that when I released it all to God and became honest about all the things I was feeling and struggling with, these obstacles actually turned into stepping stones for my restoration. Started with baby steps...but we all do.
God can use the grief and make us stronger and more compassionate because of it. He can funnel disappointment into a drive within us to persevere in spite of setbacks. God can take our long trek through any valley and cause us to look back and rejoice. You see, it’s truly NOT always what it seems when we allow God to be our companion and Savior. When we yield ourselves to Him, He can turn water into wine.
When we try to figure it all out on our own, when we try harder or force ourselves into places we’re not ready for, when we criticize ourselves or eventually quit, we’ve lost the battle indeed. The better way I’m testifying of is to simply cast all the things at the feet of the One who can make something beautiful out of anything - and I do mean ANYTHING.
Are you depressed? God can use it.
Are you anxious? God can use it.
Are you overwhelmed? Discouraged? Beat down? Abused? Lonely? God can use it all for His glory.
He said we’d definitely have trouble in this life but to be comforted because He has already overcome. Who did He overcome for? US.
Since He already did, we can!
Sometimes it seems like we’ll never gain any ground. Sometimes we feel a hopeless case. Sometimes we are tricked into believing God is finished with us. Wrong! It's a trick, an illusion. It’s not always like it seems.
I can testify that God can take the ugly and make it beautiful. He can take insecurities and doubts and questions - and turn them into trust in Him that cannot be shaken.
Whatever you may be facing today, can I remind you, it’s not always what it seems. Yes, it hurts, is disappointing and we want it to be over with, but in God’s time and with his help, we’ll look back once we’re further down the road and see the goodness and faithfulness of our God.
We CAN be victorious, what we look like currently is NOT what we will always be. Again I say, things aren’t always what they seem. And neither are we! We are growing into thriving representatives of God, we are daily training to deliver a great testimony, and we cannot be stopped by any obstacle when we allow God to use them for His glory.
Let’s look at the obstacles we’re facing today, with faith in God, knowing that what it looks like today isn’t what it will be.
Things aren’t always what they seem. I thank the good Lord for that. It can be way different than how it presently looks! Wait on the Lord, my friend.