I just received a text message a little bit ago which took my breath away - and I'm sitting here typing this out with a heart that is reeling: A nineteen year old boy just died in a motorcycle accident and left behind a wife and baby.
I hurt because I think of the parents, and know a bit of what they're probably feeling right now and will go through in the coming days. I hurt for the wife and child, because I know a little about how this loss will affect them too. My heart ached for my grandson today as we were facetiming each other. I wish his Daddy was here for him. Oh, it's such a tragedy! I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.
While I don't mean to make this about me - it hits hard. Here we are in September less than two weeks from the anniversary date of losing our own son - also in a fatal motorcycle accident. This nineteen year old boy died just five minutes after our son, Steffan. PLEASE PRAY FOR THIS FAMILY!
We're nigh upon the seven-year mark of what can feel more like a nightmare than reality for most families who experience this type of thing. Some days it feels like forever ago, then other days it feels like just yesterday. I'm so thankful I know the Lord and that He is close to the brokenhearted. This family is going to need Him! I have no idea how I ever would've made it through without knowing that I wasn't alone and that I can trust God. We'll never truly understand and possibly always have questions with no answers, but our soul can rest and be at peace because we KNOW His character and stand upon His promises. It doesn't take the pain away, but it sure helps make it bearable. God is faithful!
I don't understand why some people choose to try life without Him. If we were picking teams, I'd be picking Him first every time because I know personally what He can do and how He can carry us through the hard parts. I do my best to consciously invite Him into my every day before I even really open my eyes to get out of bed. I consider myself one of the fortunate ones to have a relationship with God.
Once again, I ask that you keep this family in your prayers. I know there are a lot of people out there who know what it's like to suffer a tragedy in your life. I'm sorry you know! I don't know all the names, but God does. And...if you don't already rely on God for your daily protection and needs, can I PLEASE encourage you to do so. We never know when our time here on this earth is up. If God's not part of your every day agenda and Who your life is dedicated to, today is a good day to start including Him. He loves you! There's an old song that says "can't nobody do you like Jesus" and I can testify that He's been there for me through it all and I've grown to love Him more and more every day. I can't make it without Him and don't want to try!
God bless you and keep you~