“The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.”
Proverbs 11:25
We don’t get there by ourselves!
As I sat at the table with my Bible study girls, my heart was filled with Godly awe and thankfulness. We’re all in different stages of our Christian walk, we all have unique testimonies and life stories, our own strengths and weaknesses, and even our own individual hang ups.
We’re all headed in the same direction though - at different speeds; some are taking bigger steps while some are just beginning to take baby steps. We all have the same spiritual goals and individual, God-ordained purposes and ways for our lives to touch the lives of others. No matter where we are logistically, we have the ability to touch another life as we walk together.
As I listened to them chatting during dinner, I heard their struggles and recent temptations, as well as, their responses to them. It was exciting to hear proof that there was some growing going on. We shared ideas, stories and I interjected supportive and encouraging comments where I could. (I can only do that with God’s help and their acceptance. This isn’t about me.)
I realize this opportunity is a privilege and a command. I have also had voices in my life which God strategically placed there for my growth and advancement in His Kingdom. God always know exactly what and who we need to influence our lives for the better. I’m thankful and humbly grateful for each individual! Especially now that I’ve been giving this chance to pour what God allows me to into these girls.
We all need each other. We all have a purpose to fulfill in the life of the other. We’re all loving, growing and becoming.
It’s absolutely beautiful to watch the transformation and growth from week to week. It’s eye-opening to listen to the ways God shows and teaches them each day. It’s amazing to observe how they overcome and are building testimonies each and every day. What a beautiful metamorphosis! God is simply wonderful and the Master Designer of us all.
He’s not finished yet! With me, with them, and with you either, my friend. If we’ve given Him something to work with, He has promised to see His divine plan for us come to fruition. He isn’t slack concerning His promises either and we can rest assured that He will make us beautiful vessels which will bring honor to Him.
In the meantime, let’s see who we can inspire, encourage and lead toward Jesus. We all touch someone else’s life — maybe even without realizing it sometimes.
Who is touching your life, whose is yours affecting?
When it comes down to it, we are our “sister’s” keeper in a sense - let’s be good ones who touch other’s lives for the better. God has given us a command to love one another; we do that by showing up and caring.
Let’s reach out today, in this season of giving, and ask God to use us in this way. Let’s be the breath of fresh, encouraging air someone is so desperately in need of. Let’s shine Him into the lives of those He brings into our realm of influence. God has given us the ability and opportunity to be His hands and feet. Let’s be just that and God’s blessings will heal and fill our hearts to overflowing as we pour out. My testimony!
God never makes a mistake and can use even the hurtful things in our lives to grow us and allow us to impact others positively in spite of it.
I’ve made plenty of mistakes in my life and haven’t always touched lives quite like I’d desired to. What about you? Well, we’re all imperfect human beings and sometimes we miss the mark and get it wrong. We cannot quit touching lives though simply because we’ve failed before; no more than we can allow our lives not to be touched by others because we’ve had our trust broken or been hurt. It’s so easy to hang our heads and quit at times though. However, when we do so, we’re wasting a perfect opportunity to show God’s grace and mercy.
Reach out…
The simplest acts may spark a life changing, God-ordained moment, which after, we nor the person we’ve touched will ever be the same.
Let’s not cheat ourselves out of one of God’s best gifts and blessings to others. We each have the ability to make a positive impact. Let’s make a difference! In doing so, we will be loving, growing and becoming others — and ourselves, because we can’t give without receiving.
Be blessed today…and reach out.