So, I have another bathroom story. Oh my, who ever would've known you can get so much inspiration in such a place! (I laugh as I share this with you.)
I was going about my day doing a normal, routine cleaning in my master bathroom. Somehow, I left my bedroom door ajar at some point and my puppy nosed her way in and found me cleaning. I must tell you, she rarely gets access to my space! Just a "pet peeve" of mine.
She discovered a mirror which was on her level - and somehow I saw that exact moment - so I just began to quietly observe her without letting her know I was doing so. It was quite comical to say the least.
She noticed the "other dog" in the mirror and her ears perked up. Then, she stood a little more erect and cocked her head. Suddenly her tail started wagging back and forth. After that, she laid down in front of the mirror and stretched in what seemed like a confident display of who she was. Then, she continued watching to see what would happen next. All the sudden, she jumped up and gave a quick bark as she tried to figure it all out. I continued to watch, as she continued to keep herself busy pouncing, wagging her tail, and enjoying the other dog for several minutes. It was so cute. And, comical to me since I realized it was her own reflection she was playing with.
Then, I thought about how I look at myself in the mirror. Do I approach my mirror in the same way she had?
Do I look at myself and enjoy what I see looking back at me? Am I happy with the "other dog" in the mirror? Yeah, maybe this is a weird question to ask and quite an odd scenario to consider, but I got to thinking, how many of us look in the mirror and are content with how God made us, what we look like and how we represent...inside and out.
I'm sure there are people out there who are secure in and content with who they are and what they see. Then, I'm sure there are those others who aren't so sure. As I shared the other day, as life comes full circle and things begin to change, there are often things I wish I could change about my appearance...amongst other things. I don't think I'm alone in this camp either, in fact, I know I'm not. One look at the cosmetic world puts any debate to rest, at least on appearances. Everyone has something they want to touch up, get tucked up, or painted up. Unfortunately, in todays world, people are even trying to change their God-given gender! Lord, help us.
God made us all - every single one of us. In His image. Fearfully and wonderfully. Perfect? NO. Without flaws? NO. However, after the creation of the earth and all that was in it including man, when He had finished and beheld everything He had made, God said it was very good.
He has purpose and a plan for each of us. We are each uniquely different inside and out. He's given us personalities, temperaments and characteristics to accomplish His assignments, and He's given us each weaknesses so we would rely on Him and not be puffed up within ourselves. We're not all that and a bag of chips, be we are His and all in the process of becoming all He wants us to be. We come together to combine our strengths and divide our weaknesses to fulfil the work of His Kingdom. We ARE His masterpiece.
My friend, we are who and what God says we are. We are loved, chosen, cared for, wrapped in His righteousness, set apart, peculiar, and being made holy. When we put off the old man, we put on Him and He wrapped us in His righteousness, covered us in His blood, applied His name to our lives...He made us new. We're looking more and more like our Redeemer every day!
Just a simple thought, but the next time you take a look in the mirror, realize who are you, Whose you are, and know that is enough. It's time we look in the mirror - and smile at that person looking back at us. Let's be content and happy with who we are today and where we are on our journey, knowing that this life isn't all there is. Let's be confident in God, knowing that He is still working on, in and through us. We don't have to hide out or be ashamed. Let's bring our wrinkles and weaknesses to the feet of Jesus, because just like I did with my pup, He's standing there watching our reactions to what we see in the mirror and believe about ourselves - and each other. You know what else? He loves us just like we are - and what we will be when He's finished.
So, wag your proverbial tail, smile at your neighbor and be content and secure, knowing that He who began a good work in you is faithful to complete it. Catch a glimpse of what He sees!
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