It’s been a crazy busy day, but productive, and I attempted to completely get today’s list checked off. And without a doubt, God helped me to do so. Success.
But wait!
When I walked in the door at home this afternoon, I crashed into my favorite chair for a bit, and enjoyed the fact that I didn’t have to cook supper. After a bit, I reheated a bowl of homemade, mashed potatoes - and enjoyed them just about as much as I did yesterday when they were first made. Thank you, Lord for leftovers!
As of this moment, a few hours later, I’ve been sitting quietly, enjoying the great outdoors for about an hour or so. I came to “the farm” with my hubby and son. They’re hunting in their stands while I’m sitting here on the side of a hill in our homemade ground blind. (No, there’s no weapon here with me, I only shoot with my camera.)
All is quiet, the wind is gently blowing. The golden sun is now beginning to set and it’s a beautiful, peaceful ending to my day. It doesn’t matter to me if they shoot anything or not, I’m just enjoying the “away” time, the stillness, and not having to carry on a conversation. Peace and tranquillity! (And, I’m writing…my favorite thing in the world to do.)
I cannot help but sit here and think about the Lord’s grace and mercy. His many blessings. As the coolness of the evening envelopes me and all is still, I can only thank the Lord for a life lived with Him. I didn’t do anything to deserve this! I’m having one of those “all is well with my soul” moments and it’s so refreshing. This is certainly much truer success than checking off my to-do list!
I don’t know about you, but I get easily overwhelmed with all the noises and movements of the day. The constant conversations and interactions drain me by the middle of the day unless I pause for a “timeout” here and there. This is a safe haven from all that. Aloneness is sometimes a sweet blessing - and at other times it’s not. I understand tho, why Jesus often left the crowds for solitude. That’s how I refresh too.
So, as I sit here and refresh, these thoughts came to mind and I wanted to capture and share them.
There’s nothing like the peace of God and resting in Him.
There’s nothing like being assured and aware of His grace and mercy.
There’s nothing like knowing He’s in control and working on our behalf…just because we’re His children and He loves us so.
There’s absolutely nothing like knowing He is present - and feeling His presence.
And, oh the joy, that floods my soul! True fulfillment!
It might not be out in nature for you, but I encourage you to find your own resting place in God - a safe place where you can land at the end of your day.
Let’s treat ourselves to a refreshing moment when God is bigger than anything that tried to magnify itself as BIGGER in our day. A moment where nothing else matters except stillness and realizing God is present. True, God-honoring success.
Thank you Lord, for all the ways You provide for me. I am blessed, and You do it simply because that’s Who you are.
I pray you lay your head down tonight feeling the same peace and gratitude, my friend.
God bless and keep you~