There are days when the only thing I know to do, the only thing I know to pray is, “Help me, Lord!”
I don’t know about you but I’ll go first and say I’m not quite as strong as I wish I were. I’m not talking about lifting a dumbbell full of weights either, I’m talking about being strong in the things of life. I’ll admit, I’m more on the sensitive side of things rather than the “bar nothing, go for it” type.
Reminding myself that weakness is nothing but an opportunity for God to show up, and off, helps me continue on most days without giving up. Although I may be weaker, I’m definitely not a quitter. I guess that’s a strong quality that I do possess.
I’m sure you know people who handle the sight of blood well. I do too. Or how about those who handle traumatic experiences without being easily shaken up? Or people who go full speed from sun up to sun down? Yeah, I know them too, but me, not so much. I know some fine people who handle conflict with little thought, again, that is not me.
I don’t care for speed, conflict, blood or trauma scenes. I prefer peace and quiet, calmness and definitely for all things to flow as smoothly as possible in life. When they don’t, I’m not always at my best. Yes, I guess most would consider that being weak. Ok, then I am. What about you?
Do you clam up at a balk in your routine? Do you lean toward faint when you experience trauma? Does your stomach seem to do backflips when things aren’t going smoothly? Do you long for peace?
I think that’s my favorite thing about my preferred vacationing spot. No, not a theme park full of roller coasters; I don’t care for those either. I love the mountains. The quietness, the serene colors of scenery, the gurgling of water over smooth stones in babbling brooks, and of course, ice cream cones and delicious, warm cups of my favorite flavored coffee. Decaf, of course.
All the noise, bustle and energy of high-output situations...I feel less than able to tolerate. More so the older I get. Do I have to endure these situations sometime? Yes, but I don’t enjoy it in the least. You, on the other hand might enjoy that type of stimulation. We’re all made a little different and that’s okay.
One thing that remains the same however, is that life can become hectic no matter what style we prefer. There are days when we are all looking up to the sky, asking the Lord to help us make it through. If that’s considered weakness, then I’m alright with it. I know for certain that I’m looking up often or bowing my head in prayer asking for His help. You too?
I need Thee, O, I need Thee!
I think of the strongest people I know and characters from the Bible who seemed to have it all together. They all have one thing in common with you and I. They all had moments when they were or are at this point too. We all have weaknesses and need help along the way. From Moses to David, Paul to Peter, we all have what we, or others, consider weaknesses. Moses stuttered, David was looked at as a weak youngster when compared to a giant, Paul had a thorn, and Peter was so sure of himself that he blurted things out without thinking. Weak? Maybe, but God looks at it differently than we do.
I’m sure we can all identify with a hero in the Bible who felt they were less than because of the way they responded to or felt about certain situations in life. Yet, God thought it important enough to add them all to His story for us. You see, every Bible story and real-life story we’re involved in points to one simple fact:
We all need Him at some point, no matter how strong we think we are or aren’t.
Help me, Lord!
“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” Isaiah 41:10
There it is, my friend. No matter how weak or strong we feel, God is always with us. He doesn’t want us to be afraid of the situations which come into our lives which the enemy uses to confound us. He desires to strengthen us where we’re weak, but doesn’t bash us for being so. He wants to help hold us up when we feel like we’ll melt under the pressures. He wants us to trust Him to hold us both up and together. Isn’t that encouraging?!
It doesn’t matter how we look at ourselves, we don’t have to be afraid. It doesn’t matter how others look at us either, He doesn’t want us to be dismayed or discouraged. He longs for His children to cry out to Him for help and not attempt to be strong without Him.
We may be weak, but He is strong.
What an assurance we have today no matter what we are facing in life. Just like the heroes of faith, we too can be heroes simply by turning to and relying upon God.
Weak heroes help make up the best God stories, don’t they?
We don’t have to be strong, we only have to know the One who is strong.
A little song is fluttering around in my head this morning, “Turn it over to Jesus and He’ll make it alright!” His strength is made perfect in weakness.
Be blessed and encouraged wherever you find yourself today~