“These hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us. There’s far more than meets the eye. The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. But the things we can’t see now will last forever.”
2 Corinthians 4 (last several verses)
MSG version
Well, it’s the second week of the new year. I suppose everyone is still working on their goals for 2023, right? Are you still going strong or are you struggling even now?
I decided for this year that I was going simply give each day my best. That was my goal!
Shew! Let me be honest, sometimes even a goal that simple proves to be hard work. Can I get an “amen!”? I’ve not given up on my goal; but it seems each day has brought hurdles I must jump to keep that goal alive.
I’m slowly coming to the realization that I can’t go like I used to when I was younger. I’ve fought it, but it’s winning more and more often lately. About to hit the 5-0 and I pon waking in the morning, I feel like I just might be able to conquer the world, and by early afternoon there’s a big question mark and fog in my brain. And usually a nap!
Maybe you’ve already passed this middle age station in life and are soaring victoriously, or maybe you’re the one reading this who is still running wild and free. And perhaps, you’re the one reading this and nodding your head in agreement to taking a nap.
Regardless, can we just all put ourselves here for a moment? Here is anywhere you're having a tough go of it.
There are all kinds of things in life which are troubling and sometimes overwhelming. You know how life can be, we all have our own crosses to bear in different seasons of life. Yours might be a totally different version or similar; no matter, we all are facing troubles daily. That’s Biblical, you know.
I love how this version of the Bible gets it across; and here's my paraphrased version of it:
everything we’re dealing with today, no matter what it is, is just “small potatoes”.
My friend, compared to what is coming our way, this "big" thing - or that - is nothing. What a delightful hope we can hang onto when life gets tough!
If we keep holding onto God and trusting Him each day with every issue, we won’t always struggle. This overwhelming weight we might be struggling to carry today, no matter what it might be, is small potatoes in light of our glorious hope and what’s to come.
So, maybe you’re feeling like you need a nap today, or a break from whatever has you weighed down. There’s good news: These are small potatoes! Please understand, I’m not making light of any situations or feelings; our issues are real and they cause stress, pain and sometimes heartbreak. However, with God on our side that’s not all there is to the story.
The things we cannot see - Heaven, our hope, joy, strength, peace and faith - will last forever...everything else is small potatoes.
This verse stood out so vividly to me today, and I just had to share. I think I’m going to adopt this motto for all those overwhelming moments which seem like they will do me in.
“What?! This is just small potatoes.” Put them in a pot and cook them! Then we'll eat."
We all love potatoes, but what lies ahead of us is grander than we could ever imagine.
It might not always be easy, but I invite you on this journey with me. It's just a light-hearted way to keep things in perspective when life seems hard. Won’t you come along, friend? We can do this together!
I loved the way the MSG worded it. When you really think about it - it is so true. Everything is small potatoes in comparison with eternity. It may not always be easy. It may be more challenging at times than we would like. May we keep in mind, "It will be worth it all, when we see Jesus. Life's trials will seem so small, when we see Christ. One glimpse of His dear face, all sorrows will erase, So bravely run the race, till we see Christ." Thank you for bringing that old hymn to mind :)