I love putting puzzles together but especially enjoy it this time of year when the dark evenings are lengthy. I bought a new one a couple of weeks ago and had only the border and the dog assembled.
Fast forward to this past weekend when I had my two grand girls with us for an evening — now three and not quite a year old. Needless to say, I was a busy Noni and maybe a bit distracted.
I was at the kitchen sink when the oldest pipes up and said, “Oh, Noni! A puzzle!” I turned around quick enough to see her grin from ear to ear as she stood looking wide-eyes at my puzzle.
Her Mommy had told me earlier that little bit had her own puzzle at home and she might need to bring it to my house to put it together. So, continuing to wash the dishes with my back to her, I replied to my sweet, mischievous grand angel,
“You’ll have to bring yours to Noni’s and we can do it together.”
As I turned around to see her reaction, I’m sure mine abruptly changed from a sweet smile to a flabbergasted look of bewilderment.
My “angel” had taken over half of my puzzle apart. I was appalled. I said I enjoyed putting puzzles together, not that it was easy. It takes much time and patience which I seem short in these days.
I know it was a long story, but today the thought came to me, how often does God have the chance to feel that way with me?
He takes His time and diligently works with me and spurs me onto growth, then somehow all in a momentary bit of knee-jerk reaction, I get rattled and undone.
I love this verse though and it brings me such peace and hope — even when I’ve fallen flat on my face,
“Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:” (Phil. 1:6)
For a quick moment, I was tempted to take all the pieces up and put it back in the box till another time. However, I left it; and today I sat down and made up my mind to do what I know God has done for me so many times before.
I started putting it back together. again. I began…and I’m going to finish.
I’m so thankful God never gives up on me. He is faithful, patient, long-suffering, kind and gentle. I know, one day He’ll be my righteous judge! Yet, for now He daily extends His grace and mercy to me as He continues to work. Reminds me of the old song lyrics I sang as a child, “He’s still working on me to make me what I ought to be!”
Lord, please never give up on me. Make me what I ought to be. Put me together again, Lord! Over and over. I might be in pieces presently but when He’s finished, I’ll be complete.
How about you, my friend? Hope this encourages you if your pieces feel scattered about today.