"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:"
Matthew 7:7
Have you ever heard the phrase, "Don't pray for patience"?
Maybe you're vehemently shaking your head with much conviction because you've made that "mistake" and have the T-shirt to prove it.
We say don't pray for it, because in the back of our minds, we're aware of the testing we'll probably be faced with if we do so. Right? We'll get in a slow line at Walmart, or behind a slow car when we're late for work, our children will require an extra dose from us, or perhaps our patience will be tried at work by an unthoughtful co-worker. The opportunities for developing patience are endless!
Can I get an amen?!
This one thing I know,
God hears every prayer we offer up - and He answers.
It might not be an immediate answer or the answer we desire in the moment, but He does answer. Thus, the "Don't pray for patience" reference.
Included in my prayers since I've been a child, has been the request to be a servant, humble and meek, to lift up those who are weak. Yes, it rhymes; it was actually birthed from the words of a song I learned for an Easter drama. Lately though, I've added a little twist to that prayer and ask God to help me walk in humility. Mature prayers for certain!
Hold up! What? YES, that has been my prayer lately!
And, goodness knows, I've been presented with multiple hard issues since then, and several opportunities to give that walk a try. My friend, it's been a doozy trying to pass those Heavenly exams. I've failed miserably most of the time, but I suppose that's how we learn the ropes...just like learning to walk, and read, do a new job and build relationships. Thankfully God is a patient and kind teacher who knows what humility is all about. If anyone does, He does.
The hard prayers we pray!
When we pray, God is listening and He ultimately knows what's best for us in every area of life and He loves us - so we can trust Him with every fiber of our being. EVEN. IN. THE. HARD. STUFF. I have chosen not to quit asking Him to help me with this walk I desire to do. It's the hard stuff, after all, which pushes us toward Him and causes us to cling to Him. He wastes absolutely nothing!
I just wonder what it is that you might be praying and asking God for or to help you with.
Do we realize the trials and obstacles which come into our lives might not be because we've done anything wrong, or because we're terrible people, or even because we have sin in our lives. It might simply be periods where God is whittling away the parts of us that keep our prayers and requests from coming into fruition. Perhaps He needs us to build certain spiritual muscles or learn how to respond better to the frustrations we face. Just a thought to consider today as we go about our day intentionally living for Him.
Pray the hard stuff anyhow. Endure the valley. Trust the process. Turn to Him for comfort. He is faithful to finish the work He has begun within us. He wants us to be our best, for His glory. He is invested in us and we can be confident that He is on our side. Maybe this is an unlikely verse to apply to this thought, but I wonder if God doesn't desire for us to pray these hard prayers in life? I wonder if He isn't waiting on us to knock on the door and ask for the hard stuff? I believe He is! He isn't content with us to just live out our lives in a mediocre way. His desire is for us to live an abundant life, full of purpose and intention so we can be a light for Him in the darkness of this world.
PRAY THE HARD STUFF ANYHOW! and we'll become more than we currently are.
He has an expected end for all of us. We're not just living a haphazard life...there is a plan and purpose for it all. My friend, let's go and grow with Him at the helm of our ship...let's not be satisfied with a life free of tests and storms. They help make us strong for His strength is made perfect in our weakness.
I just wonder what doors God might open for us if we stay committed and desire more in our walk with Him than just the easy stuff?
Be encouraged today...if you'd like, leave me a message to let me know what you're currently praying for if you'd like to share. And, if you know someone who would benefit from this blog post, please share. We all need some encouragement from time to time as we transform into all that God has in mind for us to be.
One day you'll stand up and testify about how the storms were sweet blessings after all. God sure has a way in the storm. Keep praying the hard stuff!