“O that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever!” Deuteronomy 5:29
I’m now a happy “Noni” of four lovely grands — three sweet girls (pictured above is my newest grand, Maggie) and one, handsome, exuberant boy. Now, I see why they said to have grandchildren first! They’re so much fun to spoil and send back home.
So, are there any parents out there who just want their children to love, respect and obey them? I know you’re out there! Every parent has thought of that ideal at least once in their parentage years.
We are programmed by God with the desire to provide for and protect our youngsters, aren’t we? We nurture and provide for them from the minute they’re swaddled safely within our arms. We teach them as toddlers to stay away from certain activities or objects which might bring them harm. We attempt to train them up to be respectful, productive, loving people, right? So they’ll be happy and live a good life.
I’m not naive enough to think every parent out there is as equally dedicated and committed to this task, nor am I saying of a certainty that every child out there will always submit to the authority in their lives. After all, we are all given the power of choice, aren’t we? What we do with what we learn is totally up to us.
However, as I read the scriptures today, this verse tugged at my heart from the very first word, “O”. Right off, I could feel the weight of desire in the Lord’s declaration here. Have you ever desperately mumbled from the depths of your heart, “Oh, if they’d just ________.” Do right? Obey? Listen? Make better choices? Think before they act? (Get the picture?)
Please forgive the paraphrasing but it’s as if the Lord is saying, “Oh, I just wish they had the heart to do what I know is best for them, so they’ll have a good, long, life.” He only wants what is best for us. How many of us know someone older who will testify of wishing they had made better choices in their younger life? How many people are behind bars today who wish they would’ve responded differently to life?
How many know the verse in the Bible that talks about obedience being better than sacrifice? Every parent knows that if their children will just obey, they would be spared much trouble and heartache in this life. Boundaries. Curfew. Rules. They’re meant for our good, aren’t they? How many times we have heard the phrase, “Learn from my mistakes!”
We all have experienced the weight of having to see our children suffer the consequences of their wrong actions and behaviors, haven’t we?
Whether we’re discipling them ourselves, or whether they get older and experience correction from other authority figures in their lives. We hurt when they hurt, don’t we? Why about the pain we cause God, my friend?
And, I just can’t help but think about how the Lord must feel in this passage of Scripture, and also how He must feel about certain choices we make daily. Is He looking at us with longing, desiring us to make the right choices? Is He heartbroken by rebellious children who won’t heed His warnings? Are we making His job easier or causing Him to discipline us when it should be so easy? Hebrews says He chastises those He loves.
Just some things to think about today. One of the ten commandments is to obey our parents that our days will be long. Yes, no matter how grown we become, we are all God’s children and He just wants what is best for us, but it requires a submissive and obedient heart. It’s that simple. Do we make it harder on ourselves than it has to be? Do we break God’s heart?
Just something a little different to ponder today. Can I encourage each of us today, “O, child of God, be good — and be well!”