“For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” John 3:17
Which one of us doesn’t liked to feel loved? Wanted? Special?
The answer is NONE OF US!
God planted those desires and needs deep within our hearts to be fulfilled. Granted, we try to fulfill them in ways He never intended; but His intentional design of us is still perfect.
How gloriously refreshing is it to know that we cannot do anything to cause God to love us any more or less? What a relief it is to know when I disappoint Him, He is still kind. When I am weak and unfaithful, He doesn’t boot me off the team or punish me for my failures. Yes, He disciplines, but He never abuses.
In all the identity crisis’ and backslidings the children of the Lord were involved in, God still cared enough about His creation to come in flesh to save us. I’m sure you and I, in our infamous human passions would have instead kicked fallen humanity to the curb and placed our love elsewhere. Aren’t we good at doing that!
But, not God!
No, He saw our fallen nature and need for Him. He looked down and realized we needed a Savior. He came to earth in fleshly form to show us that we are worth His all. He did not come to condemn us for our flaws, hang ups and failures; He came that through Him we could have life abundantly. Forever.
He came so we wouldn’t need live in shame, condemnation and constant judgement anymore. Those things only produce fear, not love. Show me someone who is constantly beat down and shamed and I’ll show you a pitifully, fearful person who doesn’t feel loved, wanted or special.
I’m so grateful, this Easter, to know the love of God reached for me when I was unloveable. That though He grieved deeply in the garden for another way out, He put His flesh on the cross for my pardon. He suffered so I could be free.
He sees the “me” He created me to be even when I haven't yet arrived.
He knew He’d not stay in the grave and that His grace and mercy would keep me from being defeated as well. He thought I was worth saving!
Not only me, but you too.
I know you’re out there trying to find someone to love you unconditionally. You’re searching for meaning in life and maybe someone to love and accept you for who you are right now, warts and all. Your desires run deep and God desires them to be completely fulfilled. We don’t have to live as second rate individuals; He died and rose again so that we’d experience hope, joy and live freely.
Don’t let humanity tell you you’re not worth it; Jesus says differently. He did not come to condemn us, but to save us and make us His own. Somebody out there needs to hear this today. Be encouraged and keep on keeping on. Don’t quit! You’re not defeated or condemned…you’ve been bought with a hefty price. You are loved, wanted and special by the One who matters most. Because He lives, we are not condemned but perfectly loved.
It won’t be long now and we’ll be together with Him. He promised to go away and prepare us a place. My friend, if He kept His promise about rising on the third day, we can take it to the bank that He’s coming back for those who are serving and anxiously awaiting His returning.
Celebrate Easter with glorious hope and joy this year. This isn’t all there is! The best is yet to come.