"Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:
Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:"
I Peter 5:6-8
So, today I did a thing. Actually, many things, but only one which I wanted to share because it felt so impactful and effective. Disclaimer: this isn't something I'd normally share, I'm sure to some it will sound like I'm a little loony, but hey, it worked for me - and maybe it will for you.
It seems I'm always finding myself in one season or another; and I've come to the realization that my life must have many more seasons than the four we experience within the weather pattern - winter, spring, summer and autumn. There actually are quite a few seasons though, in the life of a person. For instance, we all have seasons of being an infant then a toddler, a child then a preteen, a teenager then early adult. And it doesn't stop there! There are seasons of being in the home with your dad, mom and siblings, to moving out on your own, then perhaps a new life together with a spouse, and growing into your own personal family. There are seasons in our schooling, careers, relationships, spiritual walks and the list goes on and on.
Well, I'm currently in the slower season of empty nest, a new puppy mom, with a sprinkling of precious grands. Exciting and fulfilling for sure. I've also been in a bit of a season I'm not too excited to be in. You know, the season where you're growing older and everything seems to be changing except for things about you which you'd actually like to change. For example, those quirky go-to's you've picked up from life experiences; you'd like to outgrow them like you finally did that ugly sweater gifted to you as a child from your not-so-favorite relative. I'm thankful that difficult seasons all eventually come to and end; you just have to pass through them.
Don't we all have our individual hang ups and things which we wish we could change or control better? One of mine would be making my brain be quiet so I could fall asleep quicker. Another thing I'd like to control better is my responses in certain situations, and not being so hard on myself when I feel like I've failed miserably. I wouldn't put you through the things I put myself through. CRAZY! Oh, the things that need worked on, habits that need to be broken, comfort zones which need to be walked out of...I'm sure you could think of your own list or perhaps I'm just one in a million.
On to the thing I did today...
I got frustrated somewhere along my daily routine and just wanted to forget about it all and start over again. Of course, we all know that's not possible - we can't "undo" most of the things we do. That's just a fact of life. Anyhow, I happened to be in the bathroom and my mind was rehashing all the things I'd been dealing with, the conversations I'd had, the things I'd thought, felt, and struggled with.
I kid you not, I literally stood in front of the toilet and flushed! As the water began to swirl down the drain, I pretended to toss all the things which had been on my mind, into the toilet for it to disappear. As I did, I said, "Lord, take it all! Let it be gone!" I literally made tossing motions with my hands as if I was tossing things into the toilet! YES CRAZY!!! I know. And a bit more radical than I'm used to. (Thankfully I was the only person in the bathroom.) Sometimes life calls for drastic, radical moments though, and while I didn't feel any different at first...a little later, I was continuing on about my day and I realized I felt such a peace and quietness within my soul.
Oh my goodness! As I began to write this post, I went to Webster's Dictionary to look up the word I thought I knew the meaning to, only to be totally blown away by the related definitions I never thought about before. I'll share here:
Flush: verb form
1) to flow and spread suddenly and freely
2) to glow brightly
3) to produce new growth (WOW!)
4) to cause to flow
5) to pour liquid over or through
That number three listed there got me, stopped me in my tracks actually...which is why I'm here writing through this very unglamorous, but impacting event of my day. The example for number three in the dictionary was the plants flush twice during the year. To produce NEW GROWTH! Now, you're probably thinking I've totally lost my marbles today, but I'd like to call it a revelation.
Here I am trying so hard to get it all right, and I did something as wild and silly as pretending to flush it all down the toilet. Who knew, but the Lord, that while I was flushing my frustrations and giving them to Him, He was doing something far bigger within me. You know, there are just those times when you ask God for a sign, just so you know you're on the right path. When I looked up the word flush and there in black and white I saw it; I heard the Lord softly speak to my spirit...growth. The thing I long for in this season.
It might not seem very mature to be flushing imaginary things down the toilet and asking God to take it all away, but doesn't the Bible mention becoming as little children? And, right now in this season, if that’s the worst thing I do, I’m fine with it. A lot of times we blame stuff on the enemy of our souls, and it very well could be, but if the answer for relief is as simple as flushing a toilet, why wouldn't we try it? How many times has your child(ren), or someone else's you know, tried to flush away objects that just won't fit down a toilet drain? Hello!
Today, I became as a child in a simple act of faith and it changed the rest of my day...and possibly my lifetime. Maybe sometimes God is simply waiting on us to step out in faith - and in that "due time", He’ll move in and brings sweet relief. Grow.
Sometimes we hold onto things that weigh us down and make our daily walk so much more difficult than the Lord ever intended it to be. I don't know about your situation or the season you might find yourself in, but just maybe you'll remember this post in a future moment when you feel you've had all you can take. And, while it may feel a bit childish to do so, you can do it secretly, find yourself a place to cast all your cares away...just flush. Its God’s invitation to us all. While I might not physically flush a toilet every time I need to unload, I hope to recall this day and the moment, and I will at least say the word silently in my head as I pour out my heart to God.
Be blessed!