"And call upon me in the day of trouble:
I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me."
Psalms 50:15
I was standing at my sink this morning washing up from breakfast when I heard an all too familiar crashing sound outside. A WRECK!
We live on a curvy, two lane highway - right in a curve. So, I've learned to recognize the sounds quite well, yet it startles me every time.
Before the sounds had finished, I had turned the water off, threw my dishtowel on the counter and headed toward the door screaming, "Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!"
If you've been around for any length of time or know me personally, you'll know we lost our son in a motorcycle accident almost seven years ago. So, you'll understand why I'm overly reactive to these types of things. It still gives me flashbacks - even though I didn't see it happen. It's the pictures we get in our heads sometimes.
The three guys were driving a nice, diesel pickup truck and had been speeding as well as passing vehicles when the driver lost control. There were no fatalities and one guy even ran from the scene of the accident and the sheriff department has issued a statement to be on the lookout for him.
What a way to start the day!
After I came back into the house and began to settle back into my Monday Things routine (cleaning, laundry, etc.) my mind was still rambling. All I could think of is how thankful my first response is Jesus. I'm so glad I know on Whom to call when I'm in need.
It's not something I have to think about, it's a reflex.
When life happens, I'm so thankful I know Who to call upon. Whether it's on the highway, in my home, at the store or lying in my bed on a sleepless night. The Lord is always on call! He's always watching and waiting to step in when we're in need.
He is the best at emergency management! I'm thankful I can always trust Him to know what's going to happen before it happens, He sees us and our condition as it happens. Sometimes He keeps us from the trouble, but no matter what, He always walks through it with us. He is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent - and He always knows best. Can I get an amen?!
So, my heart is just extra grateful today that I know Who my Keeper is. My Protector. Provider. Way Maker. Miracle Worker. God is everything I will ever need! And I am sure, without reservation, that when I call He hears. What's your reaction? Response? Your reflex? I hope you have the same response team I do. He's the best and has an excellent rating.
Let's be sure we invite the Lord into our every day. Let's worship and glorify Him for Who He is and praise Him for what He does.
Every. Day.