“In all thy ways acknowledge Him,
and He shall direct thy paths.”
Proverbs 3:6
I loved school.
It wasn’t easy, but the challenge to make good grades and prove myself kept me on my toes. Of course, my favorite subject was always art. I also loved Math, but not because it came easy for me.
As an adult, I have taught and tutored several children through various levels of Math. I had to relearn some equations and the “modern” way of coming up with old answers. Who ever heard of “casting out 9’s”, anyhow when we were youngsters? However, in most cases, as long as I had at least some instruction and an answer sheet, I could work toward the correct answer.
Some might call that cheating; I called it making the best use of the resources I’d been given. I could figure out the problem easier if I was sure of what the answer was.
Fast forward to my life today.
What if I apply this concept in my spiritual walk? Here’s a secret: I do!
You see, we are introduced to a lot of problems in life and we don’t always know how to work them out. In fact, most of the time I’m clueless on the proper method of solving my life issues. However, I always know the final answer. GOD.
When I begin solving the problems life throws my way by looking at the Answer key, the steps leading me there always make more sense. I may not understand why or how, but I know He IS my source, my answer.
Trusting God to get me through the problem is always fail-proof. Every time.
I’ve been knocked down a lot in life. I’ve failed to make the grade often times. I’ve been wounded, hurt and left behind. We have all faced the same stuff, but just with different sceneries. The Bible says there’s nothing new under the sun. I’m sure you’d agree that you’ve wanted to throw in the towel, give up, and quit too, huh? See? We’ve all been there, my sweet friend.
What makes me so sure about this Answer I’m telling you about?
Let me tell you — because of God, I’m STILL standing here today. He is the way, the truth and the life! He is the common denominator of me rising every time I’ve fallen. He‘s healed, delivered, and guided me through every season of life. He’s the reason I live, move and have my being. In Him is the solution to every problem I will ever face. I know, without a doubt that when I call upon Him, I can trust Him to direct every unsure step I take toward Him.
And, as far as report cards go, He’s never failed to make the grade. He NEVER gets it wrong, even when we do. Who wouldn’t want to face a life which comes fully installed with problems without Him! Who wouldn’t want the answer to every problem on the test before the test even begins? We don’t really need a cheat sheet, we just need to turn to Him. Have you read the back of the book? We WIN in Him!
Let’s make good choices today. Acknowledge Him and see how He comes through for you. Cheating? Well, I’d say that’s just good ole common sense, my friend.