“Wherefore comfort one another with these words.” 1 Thess. 4:18
Anyone had an extra yearning for comfort lately?
I’m pretty sure most of us have our favorite comfort foods, our go-to comfy clothes and faithful BF’s, cuddly blankets, favorite songs, scripture verses and places which help to soothe our weariness and stress. No matter what we choose for a bit of relief, what we attempt to do with all these favs is simply ease the stress and pain we feel associated with life.
We are all broken at some point in this life. After all, we live in a fallen world. Sure, we want every day to be grand and glorious, however, we’re also smart enough to know that’s not even logical and far less likely to happen. Life happens. Eventually, we will all find ourselves broken in some way...but what will we choose to do with those pieces?
We long for all to be well...and what we’re actually longing for the whole time is Heaven.
We don’t like to be broken; nor do we like to see the people we love broken. God designed us this way; we’re made in His image.
But. It. Happens.
I’ve taken a break from social media lately because there is so much negativity in my news feed. Yes, sometimes a break is necessary. I’ll be the first to admit I don’t have all this stuff conquered, but I’m learning to do what’s best for my soul along the way. Even time outs! It’s unsettling, painful stuff, hitting everyone on every level yet...
I’m realizing more and more every day that I long for Heaven. That place where there will be no more evil, tragedy, pain, hurt, grief or death. The Bible tells us there will be no more of this in Heaven. Isn’t that comforting, my friend? And more than that, in Heaven I’ll finally see my Savior face to face.
I’m sure we all have someone or multiple persons in our lives who are needing comfort right now. Perhaps it’s us who stands in need of some comfort today. We’re none exempt.
We all have two promises:
trouble and pain WILL come
Jesus IS the answer
We’re all going to be on the other side of needing comfort and encouragement some day. That’s how life works. Today, you might need a boost, tomorrow it may be me in need. What we’re experiencing right now though, the highs or lows, won’t last always. God is always there for us and He has also commissioned us to be there for one another.
So, let me just give you this nugget of encouragement today: it’s not always going to be this dark, or stressful or ________; you won’t always have to endure this pain you’re feeling right now. Sure, it feels like it will never end right now. I get it. And truthfully, some things may never end on this side of Heaven, but we have this hope and assurance to cling to: Heaven is real and on purpose! If we just keep taking one step of faith, then another, faithfully running this race one day at a time, all will be well.
I’m doing today what this verse says...can I comfort you with these words?
Jesus is coming soon...press on. Don’t quit now, we can make it together— one step at a time, arm in arm with Jesus and cheering each other along. We’re almost home, what a joyous, glorious day that will be!
Blessings ~