“…how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!”
Matthew 23:37
I’m simply amazed as I read and study God’s Word more and more. What a God we have!
From the beginning of time, our all-powerful God has done His best to win mankind over. He created the world, made mankind, parted seas, came to this earth as a baby, worked a multitude of miracles, died and rose again…but He can’t make us love and serve Him…because He won’t.
He made mankind for Himself. He already had angels, but He wanted and chose us. He wanted beings who worshipped and chose to have relationship with Him without mandating it. Sure, He could make us, He is the Almighty…but He won’t.
The entire Bible is all about Him trying to get people who continually go the wrong path, to wake up, realize who they really are and choose Him. He goes to great lengths to draw the children of Israel to Him, to deliver them from bondage, to teach them His precepts, to set them apart, to set them up in a land flowing with milk and honey. He desires to give His children the best!
And…they won’t.
They commit, rebel, God tries to get their attention, then they cry out for help. God delivers. Over and over again! Time after time. Just when you think they might have learned the truth, opened their eyes, will finally settle down and allow God to love them like He desires, they have a change of heart - kind of sounds like Pharaoh, huh?
Why won’t they? Why won’t we?
All down through the ages, it’s been the same. People won’t! Reading the Bible seems to correlate mighty closely with our day, doesn’t it? Why would people choose not to love and serve a God who desires them so deeply? He’s jealous of us! He could save us from so much trouble if we would yield ourselves to Him. He just wants us to love Him; is that too much to ask? He wants to bless mankind, but most people are too caught up in pleasing themselves, giving into the desires of the flesh, serving themselves instead of a God who would do absolutely anything to get their affection and attention. Need proof? He already gave it to us when He died for us.
He could make us…but He won’t.
Hell was made for the devil and his angels, not people, yet it enlarges itself daily…because people won’t. I cannot see the news of the fires going on in California today and not think on this. The flames. The destruction. People have lost everything they’ve gained materially. The blazing inferno is just a small demonstration of the consolation prize for those who won’t.
God desires to hold us close, to bless and prosper us, and to give us favor. He desires to give us His very best, more than we can even fathom. He has such great plans and purposes for each of us. He’s even prepared an unimaginable place for us to spend eternity with Him — completely opposite of the world we live in currently. He wants us to have perfection.
He’s already chosen us, but we must choose Him!
It’s something for us all to think about. Will we be one of the ones who won’t? Are there people in our family or amongst our friends who just won’t? The enemy is fighting daily, hourly, with every second that ticks past, for our soul and he’ll stop at nothing to get our attention and affection. He WON’T stop! He knows His time is limited and wants to destroy and take as many of God’s own as he can.
Just something for us all to think about today. God desires us - to do us good. The truth is He’s never done us anything but good. We must make the choice to choose Him though. He is a gentleman! He won’t handcuff us into serving and loving Him, it must be our choice. Let’s submit and discover all the good He has in store for us. There is no love like the love of God!
Make the right choice today! I don’t want to be one of those who WON’T choose Him. Do you?