The last time I posted, I was talking about a post I had made to social media that day. Here I am today..."off" of social media. Guys, sometimes my heart just needs a break from it all. How about you?
Truly, when is the last time someone posted their "bad hair" day instead of a gloriously perfect updo? And, politics. And, drama. And, unwanted ads I'm not concerned with; not to mention that because of algorithms, I don't see but probably a small fraction of my "friend's" posts. I have taken a sabbatical from these platforms before and eventually joined in again because they CAN be used for positive, uplifting thoughts too. It's kind of like looking for a Big Mac in a trash can though some days! (Join me for a bit of humor for a moment!)
One thing is for certain, you may read this blog and see the good stuff of my life but I'm NOT afraid to share the down times as well. If you come here often enough, you'll get a well rounded view of what's currently happening in my life no matter what it might be...but I always try to bring it back around to a God perspective because truly, He is what makes my world spin and the source of my help and confidence.
Speaking of my heart needing a break...it's that time of year again when my husband's and my own heart needs extra tending. With September on the horizon, we celebrate my daughter's birthday and remember the day God took our son home - all on the same day. There are many ways I've said it over the years and it never gets any easier; it just seems that I become more accustomed to carrying it. My cross to bear. Thankfully, God doesn't expect or require me to do it on my own.
Today, I woke up with a longing in my heart. With desires that cannot be satisfied. I looked into my rear view mirror on the way to work, saw a motorcycle behind me - and my heart spasmed. Today, I've just felt a bit more wobbly. I've felt like a mother who would love to hug her son again. Truth. (If you're new here and don't know, we lost our son as a result of a motorcycle accident. ) Yes, today my heart needed some TLC and the tender touch of the One who is touched with the feelings of our infirmities and knows our hearts - whether it's a good or a bad day. I'm so thankful I don't have to hide or be ashamed of the days when my heart feels like it's bleeding all over again. HE is enough for any tattered heart!
He doesn't take the pain away, He walks me through it. He doesn't tell me to "get over it", He assures me that He is with me and we'll get through this again together. He doesn't give up on me for being "here" again; He gives me His hand and leads me through the valley. He doesn't say, "Suck it up, Buttercup". He gently wipes my tears away. What a friend we have in Jesus!
I'm not a hopeless case. I'm not regressing. I'm not stuck. I'm just traveling through, headed toward a place where there will be no more tears or bad days. I'm feeling sad today, but that's okay. I'm a bit withdrawn right now, but I'll come back out and play again later. For now, I'll be quiet and savor the beautiful gift of memories I have to treasure and my love will continue to flow because it never ends.
For everything, there is definitely a season. What does your heart need today? God will be everything you need - and with you all the way. If your heart needs a break, just lay back and rest in His arms - we can trust Him to always be there for us. We don't have to pretend to have it all together for He knows us from the inside out. He will hold our hearts with gentle hands and assure us that we will be okay, maybe not today, but joy cometh in the morning. Have faith!