The last few days I’ve been thinking a lot about the stuff God does for me that I don’t even recognize.
I think we can all agree that God is always working behind the scenes, can’t we? At least, if you believe there is a God and that He is good, you’ll most assuredly nod your head in agreement.
The other day, I started cooking supper and realized my oven had called it quits. The stove worked but the oven said “not today!” I had no idea! I pressed the buttons over and over. Nothing.
Just so happens that a friend had passed her air fryer down to me a couple years ago, and just like that, I had an alternative plan for what my oven was supposed to be prepared to do. It all happened without me even being fully aware.
Now, maybe it’s elementary, but I wonder if God thought ahead to my “non-working oven” day and allowed my friend to bless me in preparation for this very week? Hey, He’s God! He can do whatever He pleases. Right?
Just maybe God does His best work for us when we’re not even aware of what we need.
I have a rose garden out front and Wednesday afternoon I noticed there were several tightly closed blooms sitting quietly awaiting their moment to blossom. Today, my sweet hubby clipped this beauty off and surprised me with it. I didn’t even know that two blooms had already blossomed — or that they were so full and fragrant.
I needed that TODAY! Did God do that just for me? I didn’t even recognize Him doing so!
Thank you, my Lord!
I wonder how many times we miss His provision? I’m sure I’ve been guilty, my friend. I’m not the glass-half-full person. I think God is showing me this though — the Scripture I’ve quoted so often:
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Roman 8:28
My friend, He’s working. In and on ALL things. For our good. Even the stuff we don’t take notice of until after the fact. I encourage you today to look with me and let’s see where we can see our Lord at work. And then, thank Him.
I wonder what I’ll find Him doing when I’m not even looking?