“I’ve already run for dear life straight to the arms of God.
So why would I run away now...”
Psalm 11:1 MSG
So, it was such a beautiful, crisp day outside the other day that I decided to get my decorating enthusiasm out of storage and ready myself for what has always been my favorite part of the year.
Except I couldn’t find my fall decorations. I started a new storage system last year so “I’d be better organized” for this year. Yeah, well, it doesn’t seem to matter how organized you are if you cannot locate what you’re searching for. Right?
I found one wreath and all the other pillows, pumpkins, sunflowers and Indian corn decor seemed to have vanished. I searched every bin I had in the closet, and nothing. The next day, my hubby helped me go behind myself to see if I had somehow missed it. Nothing.
Suddenly, a thought triggered in my rattled brain and I ran to the spare room and knelt down to look under the bed. Ah-ha! There were my missing fall decorations I’d been hunting for. I let out a little squeal of delight.
Operation Autumn now in full go.
I bustled about putting away my warm weather decor and strategically placing splashes of orange, red and gold items around my home and especially my favorite place - the front porch. Little by little, my little world turned into a cozy, inviting sight to behold. I completed the setting with a bright, yellow mum in my “welcome” pot. Mission complete.
How often do we rush through our days trying to locate missing items we’ve hidden from ourselves in an attempt to be more together. Maybe it’s not actually items we’ve misplaced. I’ll be the first to admit, some days I have to find my smile. It gets hidden by life. Sometimes I lose my happy because of disappointments which are sure to arise. Then, there are days when I’m looking for normal and all I feel is lonely and very abnormal; where in the world did normal go anyhow? Anyone else been there?
Some things we welcome into our seasons and some things we’d rather not. Some decorations are nice and bring us good feelings, while others point to happier days gone by and oddly highlight the missing pieces of yesterday. You know, the ones we refer to as “the good ole days.”
The ones before... __________.
You fill in your own blank.
I have a welcome sign on my porch welcoming a rare guest who might meander to my door. Yet, most of the time it usually just serves to remind myself to welcome whatever comes in my day.
I don’t necessarily have to like it, I just need to welcome it, knowing God ok’d it.
Yes, it’s easier said than done sometimes. However, I’m learning that no matter what may come my way, I’ll be alright, because God is in my day too. He sees me. He sees you too, my friend. Whatever season you’re in right now, be encouraged and lean into the arms of a God who knows and sees all...and ok’d the events of our today.
I don’t normally use the Message version but today it spoke to me clearly. Verse seven says, “God’s business is putting things right; he loves getting the lines straight, Setting us straight. Once we’re standing tall, we can look him straight in the eye.” God’s got our best interest in mind with the things we face today. He sees us when we’re bent over in defeat - and when we’re standing straight and tall in victory.
All might not be cozy for us like my front porch is today, but all will be well in His arms. He’s got our back in this season - and every. Rest easy. Breathe deeply. We can depend on Him! This is just a friendly reminder:
Welcome! Won’t you join me?
