“After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.” Genesis 15:1
Sometimes God simply allows life to unravel so He can shine brighter through us. It’s not necessarily about what we did right or wrong; it’s rather all about the grace and growth we experience as He changes us more into His image.
I had made a terrible blunder, and in normal fashion, had berated myself all afternoon for my human response to something simply called life. I don’t know about you, but I’m often my worse critic and have to consistently be reminded to show myself the same grace I do unto others.
Life has a way of reminding us just how much we need the Lord defending and fighting for us. We’re desperately undone without His hand in our lives. One little mistake has the tendency to be a major road construction moment if we’re not reliant upon Him.
Speaking of roads, the main roadway outside our home has recently been resurfaced. As a result, I’ve watched the process unfold — and waited for an untold amount of impatient moments for the pilot car to lead me through.
We don’t like to wait, do we? We rush about life and often fail to pause and notice the importance of that thing which is presently in front of us. As aggravating as that issue seems to be, it will work for us a reward if we’ll slow down and go through the process.
That pilot car leads me safely through that zone like the Lord does. I’ll admit there were times when we didn’t wait for the guide because he was nowhere to be found, and took off on our own judgement. Let me tell you, from the time we turned from our little road until we made it to the end of the construction, I was a nervous wreck. Sometimes we made it through without ordeal, but then there were moments when we came face to face with oncoming traffic (remember the pilot car?) and would need to pull off the shoulder of the road. All unnecessary!
I suppose what I’m saying today is that life happens, there are changes that come our way and moments we “mess up” regardless of whether we like them or not. We are all in the process of being conformed into His image if we’re following the Lord, our own glorious pilot car. What safety and assurance were afforded!
Today, let's pause. See "it" for what it is. Then, wait patiently on Him to bring us through. Remember, it’s not necessarily about the current situation life has handed us, but rather what we’ll be at the end of the process. We have an exceeding great reward in the Lord and through His promises.
Wait for it!