…Standing at my front door, watching trees sway to and fro in a wind producing thunderstorm, my immediate thoughts turned to the Lord being my shelter in the time of storms.
Sometimes the rains seem to pound upon our backs, the wind threatens to knock us off our feet, and we become afraid. We’re human, after all. He knows this.
…Tree limbs fall from our trees, the yard is somewhat flooded, and the thunder steadily rumbles. There is a tornado watch in effect for our area until late tonight.
And I am reminded again, that the Lord is my refuge.
When everything appears to be unstable around us, when there are threats of ruin, and fear seems to grab our attention, God is stable, sure and steadfast. His might has been proven and His character impeccable.
Sure, storms are sometimes allowed to bring destruction and fear into our lives, but God never leaves the scene. We are never alone. He is involved and oversees it all. As hard as it sometimes is to understand, He works all things together for the good. Even in a storm!
Every. Time.
We know the characteristics of a bad storm. We also know the characteristics we have as individuals when a storm is brewing. Some sleep through it easily, while some are more concerned and cautious. No matter what, we can always be assured of God’s consistency and dependability.
He’s the same whether we’re in a storm or not.
God. Mighty. Trustworthy. A present help in times of trouble. He is soverign and has His way in the storm. He can stir it up for His purpose, or calm it down. He can bring peace and calm to us too.
…A tiny, soggy bird suddenly lands on my bird feeder out front and begins to eat. Yes, I am somewhat surprised by the sight of it. I’m the middle of a storm?! Yes. It appears not to be concerned with this storm at all.
As it partakes of tiny seeds, I wonder in my heart if I am at peace, like this little being, during the storm. I know all too well that there are many times when I’m not.
Lord, let me find my safety and refuge in You during the storms of life. When there are scary distractions all around me, when even warning sirens might be blaring, help me to find comfort, peace and rest in You. Help me remember that storms cannot last forever and that You do.
…The storm has subsided a bit more, and though the thunder still rumbles and I still hear the splattering of raindrops falling from the rain-soaked trees, I can also hear the sweet song of my feathered friends gently singing their song. So peaceful. So promising.
…For now the storm is over, but there will be more ahead for certain. Both outside and inside too.
In my heart I know, I have One whom I can trust in without reservation. One who is committed to seeing me through. One who covers me in and through every storm and shelters me until they’re over.
He’ll do the same for you too, my friend. Take courage.