“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:” Ecclesiastes 3:1
The seasons are beginning their transition once again. In just a couple months everything will look vastly different from the present. Hardwood trees will put on their brilliant, dazzling color shows before finally exposing their branches bare. Animals everywhere, big and small, will begin to stow away and go through their own changes in preparation for cold winter months just ahead of autumn.
Seasons change.
The yellow leaves already on my driveway captured my attention the other day. This coming season has always been one of my favorites. I’ve always enjoyed the changing of the leaves, and crisp, autumn air complete with the smell of fire pits and chocolaty s’mores. The holiday season begins to unfold which means soft, warm sweaters, cookie and cake baking, and extra family moments enjoyed together. It’s a beautiful time of the year for most, but there are others who will find it a bit challenging and understandably so.
Seasons change.
I’m reminded that the Bible speaks of seasons. A season for everything in life.
A time to plant, a time to pluck up.
A time to weep, a time to laugh.
A time to mourn, a time to dance.
You can read it all in Ecclesiastes. While our seasons in life don’t automatically coincide with the changing seasons in nature, they’re comparable just the same.
Ever been in a spring season where there is newness and excitement as things begin to fall into place in your life? It seems for a moment, you can breathe easy and all is well. What a literal breath of fresh air. Springtime sees things coming to life.
Or what about a summer season? Those dog days when your life seems to be hard work and you grow weary much quicker. You find there are a lot of short breaks in your day in which you must pause to take in a bit of refreshing to keep your body (and spirit) hydrated. Summertime sees things striving to be and remain fruitful.
Then, there is autumn. The seasons in life when the pace is just a little slower and we’re more intentional about what uses up our time and energy. There are moments for catching your breath and for taking a walk through those colorful leaves. Autumn sees things slowing and us being stripped bare, down to our toughest parts.
Have you experienced a winter season in your life? Those times when things just appear to be lifeless? Nothing appears to be happening and there are days when hope seems completely frozen in time? Winter sees us for who we really are; it brings to surface the real us.
Seasons change.
Just as every natural season brings with it different looks and feels, our life seasons do too. You may be in a spring season and be singing “It is well with my soul...”, or you may be in a summer season humming “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.” Perhaps you’re in an autumn season of life where you’re whispering “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding”. Yet still, you may be in a winter season silently breathing the words to “I am weak, but Thou art strong.” What’s your song in this season?
Whatever season we find ourselves in, God has given a song. It may come out sounding like a chirping bird in springtime, or maybe it sounds more like the muffled hum of a grizzly bear preparing for hibernation. Guess what, there’s good news. God knows every season and every song offered up too. My song for this season is “I will never walk alone, He holds my hand.” Hallelujah! Through the good and the bad, He is faithful to be right there. A close second coming from my heart is “Peace of God, cover me.” Here’s a link for you to listen if you’d like. https://youtu.be/LmWTPIInuIE
No matter the season, no matter the song, our God is the same. He’s given us seasons for a reason. Did you know that without a good winter season for trees to be replenished and save energy (which they do by shedding their leaves) that they wouldn’t have the capability to be strong and ready to begin sprouting in the spring? Or bring forth fruit in the summer? There’s a purpose for EVERY season even when we can’t understand why.
God designed it all on purpose. So, never doubt the season you’re in. God has a plan and a purpose for it all. Lean into Him; He’s listening for your song and ready to give you strength and peace for any season you’re in.
May you be encouraged and blessed today, my friend.
*Thank you for spending a few moments on the porch with me today. If you haven’t yet, please join as a member to receive emails when new posts comes out. Also, as always, feel free to share or leave a comment. Thanks for being here today! May you be strengthened and leave with an encouraged heart.