Just a quick thought:
Life to the full looks a little different in each season of life. We don’t always see fruit. Some days living to the full simply means you’ve made it through another day. In other seasons it means you might have messed up but ended up learning a valuable life lesson after all. At other seasons, it might look like you’re on top of the world. Still other seasons, it will seem you’re losing the battle and failing miserably; but you realize more about God and that He is faithful even here.
Think about the children of Israel. Some seasons they were building bricks in Egypt. Some seasons they were crossing the seas. Some seasons they were enjoying walls of cities falling down. Some seasons were about wandering in the wilderness. I’m sure they wanted to get to the Promise Land quicker than they did too!
Sometimes our ideals, definitions, meanings, and expectations aren’t completely correct. Our perspectives can be askew. Remember, God’s ways aren’t like our own. We want to be “there” now, but there is a time for every season.
Our task: to learn to accept and do our best to enjoy and learn from whatever God brings into our day - and simply find peace, hope, and joy in knowing He is with us and will bring us to another season in HIS time.
Yes, a simple lesson but a challenging one too. So, this doesn’t look like what we thought it would? Maybe we’re not seeing as much fruit as we’d like to see…but, fruit only grows in certain seasons, my friend. Every season has it‘s benefits. Hang in there, this season won’t last always. I’m right there with you in the frustration, but I want to learn to live prosperously in every season and learn to look beyond my expectations for the here and now and focus on yonder way…my heavenly promise and goal.
Keep running!
Hope this has blessed someone today.