“But as for you, ye thought evil…; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass...”
Genesis 50:20
I’ve been thinking of Mary the last few days as I’ve walked out my own life steps — “But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.” (Luke 2:19) You see, some things are better thought about silently while waiting on the Lord to do what He does so well.
I’ve also been thinking a lot about Joseph of the Old Testament. I suppose my mind has been scattered all over the place; but, then again there’s a lot going on in the world, isn’t there? Not to mention what we all have in our personal lives each day.
Hey, Joseph!
I’d like to ask him a few questions. I’d also like to thank him for allowing God to use him as an example for me. (Ugh! Side note: To think that what we sometimes go through is not only for our good but for others as well.) Joseph had dreams, plans and a God who can do all things.
Joseph also had adversity. He had to keep his mouth shut and keep taking one step at a time. He had to endure, adjust, and wait on God to work all the details out while he went on doing his best and living daily with his integrity intact — even in the darkest prison all alone.
He was rejected, betrayed, given away, and forgotten about…BUT every instance was merely a detail in his story.
All my pondering culminated and unfolded this morning when my dear friend sent me a song by text. The lyrics kind of wrapped themselves around my heart like a pretty little package, complete with a sparkly, shiny bow and inspired me to write what I’d been thinking. What a blessing!
We often hear the phrase “the devil is in the details” but, my friend, can I tell you this truth? Even in the details of life, God is greater and creatively in control. He can take any details the devil means to use to trip us up and get us off track, and turn it around and point us in the direction where His plan can be fulfilled for our good and His glory.
Regardless of any detail…things are looking up, even when it appears otherwise.
I’m sure Joseph doubted, and got grumpy, and tired of waiting for things to turn around for him too. He wasn’t a super hero, he was just like us. However, he kept doing what he knew to do day in and out. In the face of the unknown, in the face of fearful moments he took a deep breath and took one more step forward. What determination, faithfulness and integrity!
Way to go, Joseph! What inspiration!
No matter how out of control things might seem in life right now, know that even though the details may seem pointless and overwhelming, they’re necessary. Know that God is in control, sees you, cares for you…and that’s all we ever really need to know.
Hey, Joseph!
Stripped of his identity. In the pit. In Potiphar’s house. In prison. In the spot where he could provide or take revenge on instead. In the spot where he had ultimate control and could choose to be gentle or harsh. In the place where he had the opportunity to look down on those who seemingly dashed his dreams…
Hey, Joseph, you remained, you stayed, you lived out what you believed and ended up fulfilling God’s purpose and plan in spite of the details. Thanks for being true to yourself and to God. What an inspiration you are to me today.
No matter what details we’re living through today, we have a choice of our responses. Will we stick with what we know about the character of God, about our identity, and keep on walking in integrity? Or will we choose to walk in the other direction and never see the dreams and promises God has planted in our lives come to fruition?
Just something to think about today and pretty much every other one too. The details are part of our story! They can be tiny victories or places where we choose to become bitter and never reach all God has promised. The details will work themselves out if we believe and remain in God,
He promises to work all things together for the good if we will.
What detail will you live to tell about? What detail that seems totally impossible today will weave it’s way into your testimony?