“He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:” Psalm 23:2
From my resting spot here in the yard, I can see sporadic shoots of green grass beginning to poke their heads out of the straw-colored, winter coat. The sunshine is warm, there’s a soft, gentle breeze blowing, and I can hear the cheerful chirping of birds as they eagerly visit the bird feeders and bath along our front walkway.
This is my view from right here right now and I’ll never again have this exact view. I needed this exact vantage point today. From my spot right here in the grass, I slowly and intentionally release all my stuff to the Lord.
Maybe you’re not likely to literally lay down in the grass like I did, but maybe you can draw a parallel just the same. Sometimes we are placed in certain situations so we’ll stop and pour it all out to the Lord.
We grow while we’re waiting on the grass to turn green.
True, the grass may not be green yet, but hang around and wait upon the Lord. Greener grass IS ahead.
We don’t always like to wait. We don’t always enjoy what happens while we wait. Honestly, I get it. While I was having my moment in the grass, my delightful, grand diva suddenly ran past me and...
Let me just say, I have a new pair of glasses now.
But, I will never again have that exact view; this is our hope. The Bible is full of hope-filled verses:
mourning to dancing
weeping may endure...but joy cometh
be strong and of good courage...He will not fail thee
they that wait...shall renew their strength
From my resting spot here...I invite you to join me as together we wait upon the Lord. He will make us lie down in green pastures in time. This spot right now is for pouring ourselves out and waiting on Him.
No matter what takes place here, the beauty of this moment is that we have a promise to hold onto. We’ll never see this exact view again — keep that in mind.
From this spot...we have a hope and promise to hold onto. Greener pastures ahead.