I have good news!
For anyone out there feeling like a failure and that it’s all over. For someone feeling like they’re all washed up and will never fulfill their dream or purpose. To you over there on the sidelines feeling like there’s nothing left to give.
I have good news!
Can I share with you about the humble stump?
Once upon a time, it had been part of a thriving tree. Perhaps it had offered shade to a field laborer who was sun-drenched weary. Maybe it had once provided a home to a furry, nut hoarding family of squirrels or to a family of chirping, blue birds. There are so many stories the tree could share. What about the season of tightly holding a rickety, tree house for a club of young boys or that time of supporting a tire swing for that little girl’s tea party? It had also provided the perfect spot for two, young, love birds to carve their initials forever declaring their love for one another. There was also that time a sweaty-palmed gentleman had popped “the question” of his lifetime to his sweetheart. At one time, there been a iron bench in front of this tree where an elderly couple sat together enjoying beautiful sunsets for years on end. What a great bunch of stories it could tell - a rich history.
Then, something happened. It doesn’t really matter what, or why, or how it happened…it just did. One day, the stump became all that was left, with absolutely no resemblance of its rich history. There it was, bare, with seemingly no purpose left.
Can anyone relate? Does anyone out there wonder, “What’s left for my life?”
Again, I have good news!
Just because you’ve been left a proverbial stump doesn’t mean it’s over for you. The same God who oversees the growth and development of a mighty oak can bring forth life once again. The same Author who provided stories from the past has the ability to write more chapters now.
Yes, it takes time and much patience on our part, but He can definitely do it. Have you ever taken a stroll outdoors and seen what I’m talking about? What was once considered a “has been” with nothing but memories of what used to be, is now framing the edge of a dirt trail displaying a sprout of new life bursting from within? You see, the roots didn’t die!
I could stretch this out; but this is the bottom line:
It’s not over until God says it’s over!
Our life goes through many changes along the way and we may be in the stage of thinking we’re nothing more than a “has been” - but perhaps God has more planned for us. Don’t give up! Or in! The Bible is filled with moments of new works and fresh stories — and God is still in the same business today. After all, He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Just because we may currently be in the stump category doesn’t mean He can’t bring abundant, thriving life from our being once again - it might just look a little different and we might take things a little slower.
There might only be a tender shoot right now, but isn’t that how every strong, healthy tree begins?
Take courage, God is and has always been the great Creator. He has a way of changing us from what we’re accustomed to and transforming us into something new and thriving. He has a way of taking what “the rest of the story” should be and adding a new sprig of life to the stump of our lives.
He just might not be done with this ole stump yet!
Take in this lesson from a stump. It doesn’t matter what trial or circumstance has brought you to this point, there is more beyond. God is still working, still moving, still writing a story beneath the surface - He is our root system. Be still. Wait. Be willing. Stay humble…and watch what amazing things God can bring forth…
from a stump.