“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord., my strength, and my redeemer.”
Psalm 19:14
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the words coming out of my mouth and the thoughts I’m thinking. I’ve even been praying to the Lord, asking Him to help His words and thoughts come from within me. Not mine! Because I can open my mouth some days and all that comes out is everything I didn’t intend to say; and the same thing happens with my thought process. Lord, help a sister! Thank God for His grace, mercy and forgiveness, for sure.
I went with my hubby to Bass Pro shop this afternoon, and I wandered over to the gigantic fish tank they have there, and parked myself on one of the benches to watch - and relax. I was enjoying the smooth, slow movements of the fish when all the sudden I noticed the biggest one in the tank. It was over a foot long, and although I don’t know what kind it was, the movement of its mouth immediately captured my attention.
I tried to capture it for a reminder…
I promise you, it looked like it was mouthing the phrase “food, food, food,” as it would swim up to the top , then back down to the bottom seeming to search for something to eat. Comical! I got the biggest enjoyment and laugh out of that fish and my surmised wording it was communicating to any onlooker. I think it might have been the biggest laugh I had all day long.
As I’ve thought about it off and on this evening, I’m wondering to myself what kind of words people are observing coming from my mouth. There’s a big difference between what I’m speaking compared to that fish’s, especially since my voice can actually be heard by others.
I’ve realized all over again lately the effect words can have on a heart and the importance of choosing them wisely.
Words have the capability to tear down or build up; and I think it takes three (or ten!) times as many positive words to make a negative one seem less powerful.
How is it that we remember them so much better? Probably because they’re painful and leave scars, I suppose. We can also say something positive and helpful, only to surround it with other words that counteract and also leave someone feeling totally deflated, shamed and not enough.
I don’t want to do that to anyone and I’d rather not feel the angst of those moments either. What about you? It sure can weigh a heart down if we’re not alert, strong and able to put them where they go..often OUT of our minds for good. In this world we live in, we sure don’t need to have to dodge people’s words, we’ve got plenty of other things to be vigilant about. But, it will happen. Unfortunately.
I just hope someone passing by me will hear words of love and kindness coming from my lips. Even when I’m not speaking aloud, I want God’s love to somehow speak through me and His countenance to emit from me. The world has enough hate and ugliness already; it needs something wholesome.
Just a little thought to share because we all need reminded sometimes of the weight our words carry. We need to realize our words can be detrimental to others when we unleash our anger or bad day on them. We need to be cautious and constantly vigilant to say things which will lift others up. Me included.
It only takes a moment to build up or tear down.
I don’t want to leave someone’s heart with a hook I’ve embedded in it. I don’t want to leave anyone I’ve just spoken to tending bloody wounds from my insensitive words. Let’s be Good Samaritan’s and lift up those who have fallen prey to something much worse than the old nursery rhyme refers - sticks and stones.
Let me leave us with this last verse to ponder:
“Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.”
Proverbs 16:24
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