“Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come.”
Mark 13:33 NIV
While finishing up my Bible reading on this cool, drizzly morning, I had unexpected company. I had spotted a deer in the backyard earlier which always delights me. Now, from my front porch glider, I watch the birds and squirrels dining at their feeders. All the sudden, this adorable chipmunk hopped on the bench not even five feet from me.
I froze!
He sat there for a few moments cautiously watching me — long enough for me to stealthily snap a picture. (So glad my phone has both word processing and photo shooting capabilities.) Finally, he scurried hurriedly away out of sight and I continued to sit there contentedly enjoying the quiet moments of my day.
You see, yesterday didn’t go this way at all; therefore, I am extra grateful for today. Aren’t we all a little like this? We usually don’t realize what we have until we don’t. I realize what peace I forfeited because of the wrong choices I made. Anyhow. I’m learning, the older I become, to slow down and appreciate the simplicity of seeing God and enjoying His blessings. They are everywhere, but often times obscured from our view with the busyness of life. This has been a prevalent thought in the forefront of my mind lately. Anyone else?
I think about that, and this verse. We truly do not know what each day will bring, do we? One day, while we’re going about our business, the Lord will return for this bride. Kind of like that little chipmunk suddenly, and without warning, entering into the framework of my today. Will we notice? If I would not have stilled myself long enough to be observant, I would’ve missed the moment indeed.
I know catching sight of a chipmunk is insignificant in comparison to the Lord’s return. I also know that every day isn’t going to offer a sit-on-the-porch moment; but I don’t want to be so distracted and frustrated with life that my mind is too cluttered and my vision too blurred to be ready for that great and notable day. (Again, I remind myself that the enemy is sly in his tactics.)
Just a thought to share with you today. I’m sitting here watching a tiny hummingbird feast on nectar from a beautiful rose and a red-headed woodpecker has also made its way to a tree within my view too. Yes, all this while I'm pecking out these words on my phone's little keyboard.
I don’t want to miss a single moment or blessing God has with my name on it.
It’s what gives us peace & hope to live out each day.
How many are we letting slip through our grasp, my friend? I don’t want to miss a single one! Certainly not the most important one of all.
Attention! Be alert today, and every other one too…don’t miss it, please.