“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31
My word for 2022 has been bloom. I think I’ve mentioned it before, but for the sake of today, there’s a reminder for both you and myself.
Easter came and went. It was a great day as we celebrated our Risen Savior. What was forecasted to be a rainy, stormy day gave way to the exact opposite. Easter Sunday church service, decorated in smiling faces and beautiful, spring outfits, were filled with fresh praise and the anointed Word. Egg hunts and candy excited the children while ham-and-potato salad dinner and naps beckoned to us adults.
It was certainly a day of blessing and celebrating.
And then it wasn’t.
I’d like to say that grief is a faithful, constant companion, on a never ending journey of highs and lows, ups and downs, victories and defeats. Learning to live with grief in my life has been a steady learning curve. While I was prepared to deal with certain facets that seem to arrive like clockwork with every holiday, there were new triggers and issues which sidetracked me this time. Somehow, just when I think I know my new companion well and have learned to adjust, it surprises me still with its stealthiness.
It took several days - a lot of tissue and mostly just me and Jesus - before I felt any relief whatsoever.
But it came.
A fresh breeze began to breathe life back into my deeply, saddened soul as the dimness brightened and the fogginess lifted once again.
Ah! (deep sigh of relief)
That’s the beautiful thing about going through the hard stuff of life. For a season we might be in a dark place. It might be hard. Painful. Confusing. Then, what once felt bleak and somewhat dormant starts to bloom.
It kind of makes me wonder if it might feel like that to be a flower waiting to bloom. Oh, to be fully blossomed and beautiful! Do they breathe a sigh of relief once the hard work of blooming is over?
So, today as I looked out and caught sight of the first blossom in my yard this year, I’m thankful to know that I don’t have to unfold the rose, God does. Neither do I have the responsibility to make myself bloom. God does that too, in His time. I just have to keep doing the hard work of holding on, keeping the faith, pressing onward, and trusting Him to bring it all together. And really, that’s the easy part when you get down to the nitty gritty.
We sang the song this morning…They that wait on the Lord, shall renew their strength, they shall mount up on wings like an eagle and soar…they shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not faint…
Just BLOOM anyhow!
Hope this might have encouraged you to hold on a little longer, my friend. This too shall pass, it might hurt, but in God’s time it will be better.