“ From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord's name is to be praised.” Psalm 113:3
It’s something we see every day. In fact, we probably actually take it for granted because it arrives like clockwork. We can count on it’s presence. It may present itself a little differently each day, but it is always there just the same. It’s there to light our way, to bring warmth to our days, and help things grow.
I’m talking about the sun. Yet, I’m also describing our God, aren’t I?
Yes, maybe we take Him for granted sometimes too, but He is as faithful as the sun He’s made for our good. There’s not a day that goes by in which God isn’t present in our lives.
Some days He shows up in big, bright, undeniable ways; then some days He shows up in more subtle ways. Some days He may even seem hidden from us, like the sun is hidden on cloudy days, nevertheless, when we cannot see Him, He is indeed still there.
God lights our way. He warms our hearts with His presence and helps us to grow a little more each day. Without Him, our lives would be hopeless and miserable. We couldn’t survive without Him.
Yes, it’s a simple analogy, but one I hope will help us be more aware of His nearness when we feel God is nowhere to be found. Because, if we truly admit it, some days feel a bit like so. Aren’t we thankful what we feel isn’t always the truth?
God is with us. We can depend upon Him. When we wake each day, let us be reminded by the sunshine that God is present and seeing us through our day. He is faithful and dependable. He is bigger and more powerful than the sun and is able to provide exactly what we need to make it through any day.
If it feels a little toasty wherever we are today (literally or figuratively) and we’re tempted to complain about the heat, before we do so, let’s stop and thank the good Lord for being ever present and for His faithful companionship. Let’s not overlook His presence, instead, let’s give Him a little extra praise today for His goodness.
One day, when we reach Heaven, He will be the only light we need. Yes, may we always remember, God is a little bit like the sun He made.
Be blessed and encouraged today~