Life can be so boring sometimes.
We go to bed at night, rest, then get up and do the “same ole, same ole” all over again. Sometimes there’s no variety, no excitement, and everything runs at a continual break-neck speed. We’re sometimes like the Energizer bunny who just keeps on ticking until we’re worn down and simply can’t move about any longer. I often say, “Life gets so boring at times!” No excitement, no fun, no surprise or awe inspiring moments to talk about.
Then it snows!
The beauty of a southern snow - to me…
While I know it can cause hardships and even devastation at times, it’s absolutely beautiful, shows a minute thread of the majestic power and creativity of our God, and brings such a quietness to the world it covers. Everything is more beautiful covered in snow!
A lovely reminder that God can take our everyday, noisy, busy, chaotic, life “stuff”, and wrap it up in His mercy, grace and love — to bring about a pocket of unusual slowness and beauty, and to bless us with a holy hush of sweet peace - what a God! He gives us this gift wrapping up the tired, mundane, humdrum moments of life and turning them into joyous moments filled with unforgettable awe, beauty and excitement.
That’s my God!!!

I’ve sure enjoyed this break in life’s hectic schedule, predictably and normal-ness. Feasting on sweet memories of days gone by while making new ones to remember later. I felt like a kid again peering eagerly out the window all day long, waiting in anticipation, while making a snow angel in the soft, fluffy snow, and enjoying a bowl of fresh, homemade snow cream at evening time. It’s simply magical! A definite sweet blessing and respite from the norm.
It has been a God-sized pocket of pleasure as I’ve witnessed His power and majesty in nature.
